Back to School Routines & Schedules

Point to Ponder:  As summer days draw to a close and you begin the annual back-to-school regimen, do you find yourself reflecting upon hectic mornings trying to get everyone out the door?

Returning to routines and schedules is a way of bringing peace and order to our busy lives. Here are a few ways to divide tasks so your morning departure is a peaceful one.

Night Before School

  • Regardless of age, have all children pick out their clothing. This will avoid last-minute scrambling for missing socks, dealing with wrinkled items and discovery of something that is in the dirty clothes hamper.
  • Girls – lay out all accessories (jewelry, scarves, hair, belts and purses) on a dresser, desk or shelf in their bedroom.
  • Pack lunches. Fruit can be washed, veggies can be put into snack-size bags and other components can be organized so the morning goes more smoothly.
  • Place backpacks by the door. For younger kids, help them gather their Show-N-Tell items to avoid last minute scurrying in the morning.
  • Mom or Dad – Review and sign any necessary forms and place back in your child’s back-pack folder.

Morning of School

  • Finish packing lunches
  • Kids should be encouraged to get dressed and make their beds before coming to the breakfast table. This way they’ll be more awake to eat breakfast before heading out the door.
  • Besides making their beds, other chores might include brushing their teeth, possibly feeding a pet, emptying the dishwasher and perhaps empting the garbage.

Do a quick review with the kids regarding their after-school activities, car pools and what’s going on with the family that evening. i.e. ballgame, parent/teacher conferences, church, etc.

This article was created by the team at Organized Audrey. This material may be reprinted or reposted, but please credit the author and our website:

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