Countdown to a Successful Garage Sale

  1. Set the date of your sale; find out when other neighbors may also be hosting a garage sale.  You’ll increase your traffic if there’s more than one of you participating in your area.
  2. Consider doing a sale with a neighbor or friend.  Many hands make light work.  You can split the cost of advertising, hours working the sale as well as providing joint childcare for little ones.
  3. Advertise in your local newspapers; distribute flyers and yard signs.  Be sure to check with your city on any ordinances regarding placement of signage.
  4. Prepare for your sale by sorting through children’s clothing in closets and drawers.  Launder and mend all clothing before placing it in the sale.  Pin together two-piece outfits.  Masking tape adheres best to clothing – include price and size.  Don’t forget winter items they may have outgrown such as coats, boots and mittens.  Children’s school and Halloween costumes are also good candidates for a garage sale.
  5. Children’s books and toys (especially those happy meal toys from fast-food restaurants) seem to sell well.  Involve your children in cleaning and preparing toys for the sale.  Offer to share the profit from the toy sales as an incentive for them to part with items they’ve outgrown or have become bored with.
  6. Be sure to include adult clothing.  A good rule of thumb:  If you haven’t worn it during this season, you probably aren’t going to wear it next year.  Get rid of it!
  7. House wares such as kitchen appliances and utensils, blankets and sheets are usually picked up by individuals looking for items for “the cabin.”  Use small labels found at an office supply store as price tags on non-clothing items.  Because they come in a variety of colors/shapes, use a specific color for all of your items if you’re co-hosting the sale with a friend.
  8. Have battery-operated items outfitted with working batteries; an outlet available for any electrical items.
  9. A cash box for the sale should include enough denominations to make change for a $50 bill.  If you will not be accepting personal checks at your sale, post a sign at the cash table stating your policy.
  10. Stock up on small plastic bags and grocery sacks.  People are always appreciative of being able to walk away with their purchases in a bag, versus trying to hand-carry them.

This article was created by the team at Organized Audrey. This material may be reprinted or reposted, but please credit the author and our website:

For booking or more information, please call Audrey at 952-944-9470, or visit her website

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