Reflecting on How You Spend Your Time

As we near the close of 2013, I want to address how we spend our time as volunteers, away from the office and home.
It’s really easy to go through life, day after day, week after week, and eventually month after month not really stopping to think how we’re spending our free time. We all have 24 hours in the day. Most of us spend 8-10 hours at the office. But many of us feel pulled in multiple directions once we leave the office.
Watch this video tip for suggestions in managing the various roles you have in life. 

As you get ready to close the books on 2013, spend some time reflecting on the volunteer positions you’re involved with. Are they ones that you are passionate about? Do they bring you great joy and satisfaction? If not, it might be time to do a little clean-up. It is okay to say “No” when asked to take on something you’re unsure of, you’re not enthusiastic about or it’s something you fear might take up more time than expected.

I wish you a blessed holiday season.  May you have a Merry Christmas or Happy Hannukah and a wonderful New Year!

This article was created by the team at Organized Audrey. This material may be reprinted or reposted, but please credit the author and our website:

For booking or more information, please call Audrey at 952-944-9470, or visit her website

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