Using Desk Top Shortcuts to Avoid Waste of Over Processing

Sometimes we mindlessly do things the same way over and over without giving much thought to the process or time it takes. We do it because we’ve always done it this way. This thought can be applied to how we access files on our computer.

If you have a file folder or document you access on a pretty regular basis, then consider building a shortcut to it on your desktop. It’s kind of like sitting items out on your desk so they’re within arm’s reach at all times. Except they’re icons sitting on your computer screen.

Avoiding the over processing of opening a frequently-used document cuts down on the Lean Office Waste of Over Processing and helps you become more efficient and productive.

You can watch a short video, “Creating Desktop Shortcuts” and learn how easy it is to create shortcuts to your desktop.

For more on the topic of the Waste of Over Processing, read Same old. Same old. Breaking the Habit of Over Processing.

This article was created by the team at Organized Audrey. This material may be reprinted or reposted, but please credit the author and our website:

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