For Lean Office practitioners, you’ll recognize the reference to 5S, which is a 5-step process for gaining and maintaining order which in turn, invites increased efficiency, not to mention self-satisfaction. The first step is the SORT process, which is where a semblance of order begins to take shape. Keep these 3 things in mind when Sorting any space:
- Make decisions. You have clutter because “clutter is a result of delayed decisions”. Take a close look at your stuff – it’s waiting for a nano-second decision to be made pertaining to it. If you’re like many, you have those pieces of “randomness” just sitting around. It’s time to take action.
- When in doubt, move it out. This is a familiar saying within Lean circles, but in essence, if something is sitting in your office and doesn’t belong there, get rid of it.
- Release, Relocate and Recycle. These are your options when getting rid of clutter and inviting a neater environment. Releasing an item doesn’t always mean tossing it. You may be able to donate something or pass it on to someone else who can use it.