Preventing Cell Phone Faux Pas

Want to know the fastest way to squash a business meeting? Just place your cell phone on the desk or table where you’re meeting. Putting a cell phone between you and someone else is another way of saying “You will not be getting my full attention.” A visible cell phone is a constant threat to keeping attention and focus because everyone is expecting it to go off at any moment.

While attending meetings, leave your phone in your pocket, purse or briefcase and switch it from vibrate mode to silence mode. Only if you are expecting an emergency call should you allow your cell phone to interrupt the meeting. And in that case, inform those you are meeting with that you may be getting such a call. Only take calls for true emergencies. If your pregnant wife’s water just broke, well then, that’s an emergency! But if your golfing buddy is calling about scheduling a tee time for the weekend, you might want to get back to him after your meeting has finished.

This article was created by the team at Organized Audrey. This material may be reprinted or reposted, but please credit the author and our website:

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