Reality Check on New Year’s Resolutions

  • Sensible versus Realistic. Most resolutions are sensible. In other words, they are reasonable things to attain. However, choosing a resolution that is realistic is one that is likely to happen.
  • Write out your goals or resolutions. Post this somewhere you’ll see on a daily basis. I.e. inside your planner, on your Outlook Task list, on your bathroom mirror.
  • Be very specific in setting new goals and resolutions. Don’t just think “I want to lose 25 pounds”.  Instead, write down a specific game plan for losing 25 pounds. See attached example.
  • Consider doing “less” of things versus stopping all together.  I.e. overeating, smoking, drinking, procrastinating, being late for meetings. This is a great example of being realisticversus sensible.
  • Accountability.  Choose a friend that can help you stay on task. Ask this individual to check in with you twice a week to see how you’re doing. Just knowing they’re going to be called will sometimes be the motivation you need to stay on track.
  • Strategize. Try to anticipate things that could happen which will interfere with your resolutions. When these interruptions occur, and they will, you won’t be surprised nor derailed for very long.
  • Reward yourself. Instant gratification is important as you strive towards your goal and any opportunity for a mini-reward along the way will be helpful.
  • Perseverance & Patience. Remind yourself that it takes 3 weeks or 21 days to create a new habit and up to six months for it to become a natural part of who you are.

This article was created by the team at Organized Audrey. This material may be reprinted or reposted, but please credit the author and our website:

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